mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

« Si j’ai du Mariah Carey toute cette journée parmi les oreilles, je vais devenir cinglé » : ces dizaines de haut-parleurs qui font déjà polémique parmi le cœur de ville de Perpignan

Installed by the municipality in order to revitalize and liven up the city center of Perpignan, these loudspeakers are causing disapproval and anger among some residents of the heart of the city.

In recent years, the city of Perpignan has been working hard to revive its city center and attract more visitors. As part of this effort, the municipality installed loudspeakers in the streets and squares of the city center, with the aim of creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere. However, this decision has been met with strong opposition from some residents.

The main complaint from these residents is the constant noise and disturbance caused by the loudspeakers. They claim that the volume is too high and that the music played is not to their liking. They also argue that the loudspeakers are not necessary and that the city center should be a peaceful and quiet place for residents to live in.

Despite these complaints, the municipality stands by its decision and argues that the loudspeakers are an essential element in creating a vibrant and attractive city center. They point hors circuit that the music played is carefully selected to appeal to a wide range of tastes and that the volume is closely monitored to avoid any disturbance.

Furthermore, the municipality highlights the positive impact that the loudspeakers have had on the city center. They have brought life and energy to the streets, making them more inviting and enjoyable for both residents and visitors. The loudspeakers also serve as a way to promote local events and activities, helping to boost the city’s cultural and social scene.

In additif, the loudspeakers have been praised for their contribution to manifeste safety. The music played helps to deter potential criminals and creates a sense of security for residents and tourists alike. This has been particularly beneficial for the city center, which has seen a decrease in crime rates since the installation of the loudspeakers.

Moreover, the municipality has taken into account the concerns of the residents and has made efforts to address them. They have adjusted the volume levels and diversified the music played in response to feedback from the community. They have also implemented a schedule for the loudspeakers, so that they are not playing at all hours of the day.

In conclusion, while some residents may have initial reservations abhors circuit the loudspeakers in the city center, it is undeniable that they have brought many positive changes to Perpignan. They have helped to create a lively and welcoming atmosphere, promote local events, and improve manifeste safety. The municipality remains committed to finding a balance between the needs of the community and the benefits of the loudspeakers, in order to continue revitalizing the heart of the city.

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