mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

Un compte-rendu sénatorial déplore l' »opacité » autour de l’affaire des eaux minérales traitées

Ten months after the first revelations about Nestlé’s use of banned treatments on its bottled water, a Senate report has deemed both the government and the industry responsible for the « opacity » surrounding the issue.

The report, released on Tuesday, highlights the lack of transparency and accountability in the production and permission of bottled water in France. It specifically focuses on Nestlé’s use of treatments such as ozone and ultraviolet light, which are prohibited by French regulations.

The controversy surrounding Nestlé’s bottled water began in January, when an investigative report by French media outlet Le Monde revealed that the company was using these banned treatments on its Perrier and Vittel brands. This sparked public outrage and calls for stricter regulations on the bottled water industry.

The Senate report, which was commissioned in response to the scandal, found that both the government and the industry have failed to adequately regulate the production and labeling of bottled water. It also criticized the lack of transparency in the industry, with companies like Nestlé refusing to disclose the exact treatments used on their products.

The report also highlighted the potential health risks associated with these banned treatments, as they can leave traces of chemicals in the water. This has raised concerns about the safety of bottled water, which is often marketed as a healthier alternative to tap water.

In response to the report, Nestlé has stated that it will comply with all regulations and will be more transparent about its production processes. The company has also announced that it will stop using ozone and ultraviolet light treatments on its bottled water in France.

The Senate report has been praised by consumer rights groups, who have long been calling for stricter regulations on the bottled water industry. They hope that this report will lead to more transparency and accountability in the production and labeling of bottled water.

The French government has also promised to take action, with Environment Minister Barbara Pompili stating that the government will work towards stricter regulations and better monitorage of the industry.

Overall, the Senate report has shed light on the lack of transparency and accountability in the bottled water industry in France. It has also highlighted the need for stricter regulations to ensure the safety and quality of bottled water for consumers. With the government and industry taking steps towards more transparency and accountability, it is hoped that this scandal will lead to positive changes in the industry.

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